該如何用英文表達同意或否決? 6 組用句教你表達自己的想法!

每次說來說去都是 I agree with you、I don’t think so 嗎?!
那可要好好看看以下 6 組讓你表達意見的英文用句,

I see your point… / I see your point, but…

即「我了解你的意思……」、「我了解你的意思,但是……」,前者表「理解並認同對方」,後者表「理解但不認同對方」,用 I see your point 當開頭是不錯的選擇,不管認不認同,在闡明想法前先肯定對方的說法是比較保險的用句。

A: I think the boss should give us a raise. We’ve been working here for more than five years!
A: 我覺得老闆要給我們加薪啦!我們都在這裡工作超過五年了。
B: I see your point, but our company is suffering from the financial crisis. It’s just not the best time to bring this up.
B: 我了解你的意思,可是目前公司正遭受金融危機的波及,現在不是提這個的好時機。

幫 Baby 取個名字有這麼難嗎!?(Baby Names)

I see what you’re getting at…

即「我了解你想表達的意思……」,如果問對方 What are you getting at? 就是叫對方解釋自己的想法,不過這樣問是比較不禮貌的用法,不像 I see what you’re getting at 僅僅表達了解對方的意思而已。get at 是片語,表「暗示、意指」之意。

A: You’re not seeing anyone, right? I know this girl who’s super nice and pretty, and she just broke up with her boyfriend.
A: 你沒有對象吧?我認識一個人超好又漂亮的女生,她剛好最近跟男友分手了。
B: I see what you’re getting at. You’re trying to set us up!
B: 我知道你要表達什麼了,你要撮合我和那個女生!

I have to side with sb. on this one…

即「我同意、支持你這個想法……」,side with 比較屬於正式的說法,可當「站在同一陣線」的意思,口語或書面都適用這個片語,新聞常見的「支持」,像是支持某一政黨或其他對象都可以用 side with。另外補充,「(在爭論中) 支持某人」是 take one’s side。

A: I don’t want to go to the family reunion. It’s not that I hate my family; I just don’t like it when certain relatives keep asking me questions about my relationships or my career.
A: 我不想回家團聚,並不是說我討厭家人,只是討厭某些親戚一直問關於感情和事業的問題。
B: I have to side with you on this one. They’re so annoying and they love to compare!
B: 我同意你的說法,他們很煩又愛比較!

That’s one way of looking at it. However…

即「也可以這麼說 (想),但是……」,表示自己和對方的觀點不同。However 後面可以加 I prefer to look at it another way (我傾向以其他角度看待這件事)。

A: Studying for a master’s degree is a must-do for me because I can acquire more knowledge and skills that I will need for my future job.
A: 讀碩士對我來說是一定要的,因為我可以學到未來工作所需的知識與技巧。
B: That’s one way of looking at it. However, I prefer to go straight to work after college, since I can learn what I need on the job.  
B: 也可以這麼說,但我傾向於畢業後先工作,因為我可以透過工作學習我想學的。

補充:片語 see one’s way to doing sth. 是表示「某人同意、允許做某事」的意思。

I wouldn’t quite put it that way myself…

即「我個人不會這麼說……」,這句是委婉地表達自己的不認同,後面可加上 I would say… ,表達自己的想法。另外,如果說 Let me put it this way,… 就是「那我這樣說好了,……」,也就是口語版的 In other words…(換句話說,……)。

A: Would you say being a brown-noser is shameful?
A: 你認為拍馬屁的人可恥嗎?
B: I wouldn’t quite put it that way myself…I would say that person knows how to deal with his or her boss.
B: 我個人不會這麼說,我會說那個人知曉和老闆應對的方式。

第一次約會到底誰付錢?拯救約會!(Wong Fu Productions: Who Pays on a First Date? – Save the Date)

That’s one way we could go, but what about…


A: What do you think about our proposal? Do you have any suggestion?
A: 你覺得我們的提案如何?有任何建議嗎?
B: Well, that’s one way we could go, but what about modifying it a bit? It’ll be more feasible.
B: 嗯……是沒問題,但要不要稍微修改一下?這樣會更可行。



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文/ Liang-Chun Chen
圖/ pexels, CC licensed
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