pull over? hand over? look over? 7 個超常出現的 over 英文片語!

常常聽到 over 相關片語卻猜不出意思嗎?
Over and over again~~
小 V 整理了 7 個 over 常用英文片語,

7 個常見 over 英文片語:

1. win over 說服

這個片語的用法是 win somebody over,表示「說服(某人)」。

另一個表示說服的片語 talk somebody into 後面接動名詞 (V-ing)。convince 和 persuade somebody to,意思是「說服(某人)做某事」。

This public hearing is the last chance for the candidates to win over voters.

This public hearing is the last chance for the candidates to convince people to vote for them.

2. take over 接管

take something over 是指「接管、負責(案子或任務)」。

Adam will take over this project in two weeks.

3. pull over 靠邊停車

當講到靠邊停車,你會怎麼翻譯?通常我們會想到 Stop your car along the road. 但這樣可就是陷入直翻的思維了,你講 stop your car,聽的人可能會馬上停車,而不是把車子停到路邊。因此,若要表達靠邊停車要用 pull over 比較精準喔!

I pulled over to the side of the road to get a cup of coffee.

4. think over 仔細考慮

與 think over 相近的用字有 consider,consider 後面要接動名詞,表示「考慮做(某事)」。

sleep on it 字面解釋是帶著問題入睡,是指不用當下做決定,而是花一段睡眠的時間考慮之後再做決定,意指「好好地考慮一下」。

We’re talking about millions of dollars here. You should think it over.

5. get over 克服(困難);從⋯⋯中恢復;熬過

在 get over 後面加上 oneself,是指「別自以為是了」、「別把自己看得太重要」。

當某人太過於自大或不斷抱怨時,便可以回他 “Get over yourself.”

It will take her grandfather a long time to get over the operation.

A: I finally finished my homework and I did it while watching TV!
B: Get over yourself!

6. look over (快速)檢查

overlook 是「忽視;遠眺」。oversee 是「監督;管理」,等同於 administer、supervise。

look over one’s shoulder 字面上是「回頭看、往後看」,引申意為「保持警覺」。

I quickly looked over all the answers and handed in the test papers before the bell rang.

7. hand over 把⋯⋯交出

hand over fist 是「迅速地(賺錢或賠錢)」,fist 是握緊的拳頭,所以 hand over fist 就是指快速而穩當地做某件事情。

Please hand over the feedback sheet after the speech.

Mike is making money hand over fist these days — he invented a device which remind people to drink water every twenty minutes.
Mike 最近賺了大把的鈔票,因為他發明一種可以每二十分鐘提醒人們喝水的裝置。


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文 / Annie Tsai
來源 / 「美國習慣用語」Part-34 “hands down;hand over fist”

作者簡介 /  VoiceTube看影片學英語
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