

接下來文章會分成 3 段來依序教大家面試對話,首先就是自我介紹啦,再來則是學經歷介紹和 Q & A 的部分,讓我們繼續往下看吧!


Ellen DeGeneres: Please have a seat, Mr. Beckham. we received your resume a few weeks ago, and I must say I’m very impressed.
Ellen DeGeneres: Beckham 先生請坐。我幾個禮拜前收到你的履歷,而我必須說,我們對你的印象非常深刻!

David Beckham: Thank you! I am also honored that I have this opportunity to have interview with you.
David Beckham: 謝謝你的讚美,我也很高興有這個與貴公司面試的機會。

Ellen DeGeneres: May I ask why you’re interested in working for us? And tell me more about yourself.
Ellen DeGeneres: 想請問你,為什麼想來我們公司工作呢?跟我介紹一下自己吧!

David Beckham: I’m David Beckham. I major in Finance at  National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. I had an internship in Citibank for six months, and now I work as a head broker. The reason why I would like to work here is that this company has an impressive reputation, and I’ve always wanted to work for a bigger company.
David Beckham: 我叫 David Beckham ,我在台科大主修金融,曾在花旗銀行實習半年,現在在當經理人。我想加入貴團隊,因為貴公司有很好的聲譽,而且我也一直很想在大公司工作。


Ellen DeGeneres: That’s good to hear! Would you mind telling me a little bit about your current job?
Ellen DeGeneres: 太棒了!可以跟我說一下,你現在的工作在做什麼嗎?

David Beckham: I am working at a local financial company as a broker. I deal with clients on a daily basis, which means I handle  everything regarding their accounts personally.
David Beckham: 我目前正在一家當地的金融公司擔任經理人。我每天負責處理客戶,也就是說我親自處理任何有關他們帳戶的事情。

Ellen DeGeneres: Okay. Why are you the best candidate for this position?
Ellen DeGeneres: 好的。那為什麼你是這個職位的最佳候選人呢?

David Beckham: I have many experiences in stock market, and I am good at communicating with people. As a matter of fact, I’m in charge of a team consisting of nine brokers at my current job.
David Beckham: 我有股票市場的經驗,而且我擅長與人溝通。除此之外,我在現任的工作中擔任一個有九位經理人團隊的組長。

中場休息時間!!!VoiceTube 團隊推出線上英語課程:VoiceTube HERO!每堂課程都有一段影片搭配聽說讀寫題型,如「口說對話」的題型有「開放錄音」跟「老師講解」的功能,讓你在家也能輕輕鬆鬆練習說英文,還有專業英文老師線上校正。一天一天越說越好,開口說英文沒煩惱!



Ellen DeGeneres: Well, I think that’s all. Do you have any questions?
Ellen DeGeneres: 好的,我這邊沒什麼問題了,你有任何問題嗎?

David Beckham: Yes. If I were hired, whom should I report to?
David Beckham: 有的。如果我被錄取的話,想請問我的主管是誰

Ellen DeGeneres: Directly to me. And you will be working with two other brokers.
Ellen DeGeneres: 就是我,然後會有另外兩位經理人跟你一起工作。

David Beckham: What’s the biggest challenge I will encounter in this position?
David Beckham: 這個職位碰到最大的挑戰會是什麼呢?

Ellen DeGeneres: You may work under great pressure and work overtime due to new clients we obtain from other countries from time to time. However, you will be well-paid if you complete the case.
Ellen DeGeneres: 你可能會面臨巨大的壓力跟加班,因為我們時與不時會接新的國外的客戶。但如果你完成案子,公司也會給你應當的報酬。

David Beckham: When will I know the result?
David Beckham: 請問什麼時候知道面試結果呢?

Ellen DeGeneres: If you are the person we are looking for, we will inform you in two weeks.
Ellen DeGeneres: 如果你是我們想要的人,我們會在兩個禮拜內通知你。

David Beckham: I see, thanks. It was very nice to meet you.
David Beckham: 我知道了,謝謝。很高興認識你。

Ellen DeGeneres: It was nice meeting you, too, and thanks for coming today.
Ellen DeGeneres: 我也是,謝謝你今天撥空來面試。

VoiceTube HERO 讓你面試過關斬將!

學了這麼多句子,一定要開口練習,才能真正學會呀!如果你還不敢直接找外國朋友練習,不妨試試線上英語課程  VoiceTube HERO!延續 VoiceTube「看影片學英語」的方式,讓你學到最道地的用法,還有「口說對話」的題型,讓你和預先錄好的真人英文老師對話,有效校正發音和會話流暢度。點擊下圖,只要 5 分鐘免費體驗課程,還能順便檢測英文程度唷!


VoiceTube HERO 是由 VoiceTube 團隊推出的「線上英語學習課程」,貫徹「看影片學英語」的精神,HERO 是用一段影片搭配聽說讀寫的題型,再搭配專業英文老師的講解與情境化對話設計,讓你在家裡就能練好英文!

HERO 現在還推出「早鳥早工作」的超殺團購優惠!即日起,只要你是學生,就可以參加這檔史上最狂的團購活動,折扣從 73 折 到 85 折都有,保證比平常更優惠啦!最低可用 73 折買到原價近 5,000 塊的課程,等於現省 1,300 多塊呢!


文 / Linda Shih
圖 / unsplash, CC Licensed

作者簡介 / VoiceTube HERO 團隊
線上英語課程 VoiceTube HERO 主打「看影片學英文」,每堂課程都由一段影片搭配英文聽力、口說、閱讀、寫作的題型,讓你學會最生活化、最道地的英文。VoiceTube HERO 課程有分成 4 種等級,可參照多益 TOEIC 分數,讓每個人都能找到自己最適合的學英文課程!