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小威廉絲在 2016 美網公開賽的 ESPN 專訪:談穿搭與碧昂絲
Serena Williams ESPN interview about her dress & Beyonce after her US Open 2016 1st round win)

Reporter: What is this last week Open like for you? You started practicing again, you practiced twice today to get ready for tonight. What’s that preparation been like?an you describe it?


Serena: Well, this week has been really helpful, because I haven’t been able to play for a week straight since Wimbledon really. So yeah I knew that I wanted to get a little extra practice this morning because I haven’t been able to practice, and I think, you know, I just tell myself I’ve been playing tennis for over 30 years.


Reporter: That’s enough tennis.


Serena: How much practice do I really need? So that’s something I keep telling myself as well.

小威:我到底需要多少的練習量呢? 這也是我不斷告訴自己的。

Reporter: So tell me about the sleeves, you know. I like this look! I mean it’s a very good……you’ve got the pink nails with the pink… but the sleeve, you know, obviously a few tennis players and a lot of NBA players……s that helping the arm at all, or is it fashion?

記者:來聊聊妳的袖套吧。我喜歡它的款式,我的意思是它很棒。 妳粉紅色的指甲配上粉紅色(的衣服) 然後一些網球員和很多籃球員都會戴袖套。 袖套真的對手臂有幫助嗎?還是是時尚?

Serena: It’s fashion.


Reporter: So this is like the cold shoulder look? I love it. Tell us about it.


Serena: It was a part of the design but it also helps keep my elbow warm, so I can… I don’t have to, you know, use my elbow so much of my shoulder.I start compensating too much and then I end up hurting every part.


Reporter: Show us your nails. A little sparkle there. Is that, well, you are very always glammed up for the night here but also at the VMAs the other night. You looked unbelievable. And supporting your dear friend, and she comes to support you today, Beyoncé. She’s right there at Wimbledon, you’re there for her. That’s such a fascinating ultimate girl power relationship. Share with us why that’s such a special friendship for you.

記者: 讓我們看看妳的指甲。 還亮亮的呢! 妳每次在這裡總是盛裝打扮, 還有在前幾天 MTV 頒獎典禮的夜晚也是。 妳那晚真的非常美. 妳幫好友碧昂絲站台,而她今天也來幫妳加油。 她去了溫布頓幫妳加油, 妳也去了 MTV 頒獎典禮。這真的是一段令人動容的姊妹情誼。 跟我們分享一下, 為什麼這段友情如此刻骨銘心呢?

Serena: Well, she wanted me to do her introduction there, and I was like I usually never do the VMAs ‘cause I always try to focus for the Open, but it was really easy and really quick and I texted her like I’m already gone. So it was something that was super easy.

小威: 她希望我幫她在 MTV 頒獎典禮做開場。我通常不會去的, 因為我總是試著專注在美網,但這真的很簡單又很快, 快到我直接傳簡訊跟她說我已經離開了。 所以這真的超簡單的。

Reporter: I told her! I wrote to her and I said “You look amazing.” I mean, what a great dress. But she knew I was thinking why she’s out so late. “Get to bed.” Like “Almost back, I’m almost back!” “I have two more parties for you.”

記者: 我必須說妳看起來令人驚艷,那是多麼棒的一件洋裝。 但是小威知道我在想說為什麼她這麼晚了還在外面。 「趕快上床!」 「快回來了,我快回來了。」「我還有兩個派對。不來嗎?」

Serena: Yeah so I’m already almost back so don’t worry about it.

小威: 對啊我很快就回去休息了,不要擔心。

Reporter: What is it about her? And she obviously is in such great admiration of you. And you are both such great role models for women and you’re such great strong women. Two of the most powerful, really, role models in the world in that regard.

記者: 可以跟我們談談碧昂絲嗎? 顯然地她很仰慕妳, 妳們兩位也都是很棒的女性榜樣, 妳們自己也是非常堅強的女性, 可以說是那方面最有影響力的榜樣。

Serena: Well the feeling is mutual, we really respect each other. She’s such an amazing individual onstage and offstage and someone that’s really inspiring, not only to me, but to younger girls as well. And that’s something I also try to do, so I think we really kind of just connect on that.

小威: 我們都非常尊重彼此。 她不論在台上或是一般的時候都是個很棒的人。不只對我,她對青少女來說也是個激勵人心的榜樣, 而我也一直試著做這樣的一個榜樣, 所以我想這是讓我們成為好朋友的原因。

Reporter: Nice to have friends outside of tennis. They understand  the pressures that you do but they’re not in the sport.

記者: 能夠有網球圈外的朋友是一件不錯的事吧? 他們可以理解妳承受的壓力,即使自己不在圈子裡。

Serena: Yeah, It really really really really is.

小威: 沒錯,這真的是件非常非常好的事。


  • tennis racquet/racket 網球拍
  • racquet string 網球拍線
  • tennis bag 網球袋
  • overgrip 外層握把布
  • replacement grip 底層握把布
  • vibration dampener 避震器
  • headband 頭帶
  • wristband 護腕


  • best of five 五盤制(五戰三勝)
  • singles 單打
  • doubles 雙打
  • wild card 外卡
  • bye 輪空
  • retired 比賽中棄權
  • withdraw 比賽開始前棄權
  • qualifying matches 預賽
  • quarterfinals 八強賽
  • semifinals 四強賽
  • finals 決賽


小威廉絲的73個小秘密 (73 Questions With Serena Williams Vogue)


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