Pokémon Go is really catching on in Taiwan now.
相信大家都知道 catch (抓),
那你知道 catch on 是甚麼意思嗎?
catch 實用片語大集合,趕快來看看!
Table of Contents
精選 Catch 片語!
catch off guard 措手不及 (因突發事件)
She’s used to being interviewed and it seems that no question catches her off guard.
她很習慣被訪問,因此似乎沒有甚麼問題能讓她措手不及。The bad news caught her completely off guard. She couldn’t utter a word.
catch sight of 突然看到 (無預警地)
When I caught sight of Snorlax in my living room, I was so excited!
catch one’s breath 喘口氣;休息
After the game, the swimmer stopped to catch her breath.
catch up 趕上;追上進度;瞭解近況;得到關於…的消息
Tom stopped to wait for Susan to catch up.
Tom 停下來等 Susan 趕上他。
She’s staying late at school to catch upon the report.
她留在學校熬夜趕報告。She was absent from school for a long while and now finds it hard to catch up with other students.
Andie caught up with the Pokémon trend in time from social media.
社群軟體幫助 Andie 及時趕上寶可夢潮流。Let’s have dinner together. I need to catch up on all the gossip!
caught red-handed 當場逮到
red-handed 可以引申為滿手鮮血的意思,因此此片語字面上的意思為:「犯案後還來不及將血清除,便被警察逮個正著!」
Jim was caught red-handed playing Pokémon while driving.
Jim 被當場逮到一邊玩寶可夢一邊開車。A thief was caught red-handed in robbery.
catch on 瞭解;流行
Pokémon Go is really catching on in Taiwan now.
Pokémon Go only comes in English, but if you look up the vocabulary with VoiceTube Dictionary App, you can catch on those English sentences immediately.
寶可夢是英文介面,但如果你使用 VoiceTube 影音字典 App 查詢單字,你可以輕易地瞭解那些英文句子。
下載 VoiceTube 影音字典,輕鬆瞭解英文攻略!
趕快下載 VoiceTube 影音字典,「影音例句」讓你看影片學單字,自然而然記下寶可夢單字!小編已經靠著 VoiceTube 影音字典查詢攻略,成為神奇寶貝大師啦!順手下載 VoiceTube 影音字典吧!
▶ Andriod 版本:https://goo.gl/JFD17o ▶ iOS 版本:https://goo.gl/j3h9q9
文/ Sara Wang
圖/ Pexels
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語
學英文不是艱難的任務,而是一種融入生活的自然態度。今天起,丟掉厚重的教科書,每日鎖定 VoiceTube 看影片學英語官方部落格,給自己一個流利『用』英語的機會!