
跟 VoiceTube 一起用英文寫父親節卡片,


Dad, I will flatter you today. 爸,我今天會好好地諂媚您。

  • flatter (v.) 阿諛奉承

For Father’s day, I bought you something nice with your money.

Dad, thank you for the best advice you’ve ever gave “Don’t tell mom.” 爸,感謝您給我此生最棒的建議:「別告訴媽」。


【進擊的奶爸】哄寶寶睡覺竟然可以用這招?(HOW TO PUT A BABY TO SLEEP)

Appreciate all you’ve done for me and I love you. 感謝您為我所做的一切,我愛您。

Thank you for holding my hand when I need it. 謝謝您總在我需要的時後伸出援手。

Now that I am a father, I can see what a good job you did in raising us. 現在我自己當了父親,我才知道您在養育我們時多麼稱職。

  • raise (v.) 養育

Recently, the father and mother have been recognized as equally important in raising infants.

You are the best dad in the world. 您是全世界最好的爸爸。

I am glad that you are my father. 我很高興您是我爸爸。

How could I be so lucky to have a dad like you. 我是如此的幸運能有像您一樣的父親。

Words cannot tell how much you mean to me. 文字無法描述您對我的意義。

The only thing better than having you as a dad is my children having you as their grandpa. 唯一一件比擁有您做我的父親更棒的事就是,我的孩子能有您做他們的爺爺。




“When you become a parent…one thing becomes really clear. And that’s that you want to make sure your children feel safe.”

The Judge《大法官》


“Was I tough on you? Yes. I did what I thought was right.”
「我對你很嚴格嗎? 是。 我只是在做我認為對的事。」

“We can barely stand the sight of each other.”

  • barely (adv.) 僅僅,勉強,幾乎不
  • can’t stand the sight of sb/sth 討厭某人或某事物

Aunt Susan can’t stand the sight of dogs.

動人好片!電影《大法官》預告片 The Judge Trailer (HD)

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文/ Sara Wang
圖/ Flickr CC Licensed
作者簡介/  VoiceTube 看影片學英語