


The inauguration of the 14th president and vice president commemorative issue

就職典禮 presidential inauguration

The 14th presidential inauguration of this year will be held on May 20th.

就職演說 inaugural address

Recently, the inaugural address of president-elect Tsai Ing-wen has been widely spread on the Internet, but it is now officially proved fake, don’t be misled!

即將卸任的美國總統歐巴馬 (Barack Obama) 是位公認的演講專家,他的兩場就職演說都獲得很高的評價,今天來看看他對「婚姻平權」所發表的演說:

愛就是愛!歐巴馬婚姻平權精彩發表演說 (The President Speaks on the Supreme Court’s Decision on Marriage Equality)

禮賓人員 receptionist

Receptionists of the presidential inauguration appeared on TV for the first time yesterday. Both their uniforms and hairstyles are pretty clean-cut and simple.

國宴 state banquet

Dishes in the state banquet used a lot of local ingredients per president-elect’s request, which includes her favorite Hakka cuisine.

國宴紀念酒 commemorative liquor

A young designer took the challenge to design the main visual of the commemorative liquor, and the result was said to be equally modern and elegant.


就職紀念啤酒 commemorative beer

The commemorative beer used pixel art creatively into the design, and has been widely acclaimed since its launch in May.


紀念郵票/郵摺 commemorative stamps/stamp folio

The commemorative stamps took a bold step away from tradition. The designer not only put portraits of the president-elect and vice-president-elect in the stamps, but also ordinary folks.




  • cabinet (n.) 內閣,由行政院各部會首長組成,能夠左右政策的決議
  • Executive Yuan (n.) 行政院
  • premier (n.) 行政院長/閣揆
  1. 內政部 Ministry of the Interior
  2. 國防部 Ministry of National Defense
  3. 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  4. 勞動部 Ministry of Labor
  5. 財政部 Ministry of Finance
  6. 衛生福利部 Ministry of Health and Welfare
  7. 文化部 Ministry of Culture
  8. 交通部 Ministry of Transportation and Communications
  9. 教育部 Ministry of Education
  10. 經濟部 Ministry of Economic Affairs
  11. 科技部 Ministry of Science and Technology
  12. 法務部 Ministry of Justice  (唯一由行政院長提請總統任命的部長)

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文/Stanie Yu
圖/WikimediaCC Licensed 
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