「自作自受」、「物以類聚」英文怎麼說?6 個超常用英文成語!

快讓小 V 告訴你 6 個常用成語的英文!

1. 風雨無阻

Rain or shine.

Don’t worry! We will hold the picnic rain or shine!

2. 自作自受

You’ve made your bed, now lie in it. 

Don’t come crying to me if it all goes terrible. You’ve made your bed, now lie in it.

3. 既往不咎

Let bygones be bygones.

A: Even after five years, I still don’t think I could ever look at her the same.
B: It has been ages ago. Let bygones be bygones.
A: 即使已經過了五年,我依然覺得我無法像以前一樣看待她了。
B: 都已經過這麼久了,你就既往不咎吧。

Forgive and forget. 

A: I hate Penny! How can she do that to me!
B: Come on, Helen. Forgive and forget.
A: 我恨透Penny了!她怎麼可以這樣對我!
B: 拜託!Helen,既往不咎了啦!

“Forgive and forget.” 這個句子如果照字面上的意思直翻,就是「原諒與忘記」囉!不過當你無法忘記別人的錯誤時,你還有辦法原諒他人嗎?來看看全球企業女強人 Marie 教你,在你無法忘卻時,應該如何學著原諒吧!


4. 物以類聚

Birds of a feather flock together.

A: Joe is such a terrible person. He lies all the time! And his friend, Mark, is exactly the same!
B: Well, birds of a feather flock together.
A: Joe 真的是一個很糟糕的人!他總是在說謊,而且他的朋友 Mark 也是這樣!
B: 物以類聚囉。

5. 百聞不如一見

Seeing is believing.

I’ve never imagined such a breathtaking view, but seeing is believing.

6. 未雨綢繆

Save for a rainy day.

Keep some extra money aside. We gotta save for a rainy day.


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文/ Vivi Lee
圖/ Open Grid Scheduler / Grid EngineCC Licensed
參考資料/ Urban Dictionary, The Free Dictionary

作者簡介/ VoiceTube HERO 團隊
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