【聽音樂學英文】從五大 Disney 動畫電影主題曲學英語,讓你不只會說 “let it go” !

又可以回顧賺人熱淚的 Elsa 和 Baymax!

《Zootopia》Try Everything –  Shakira

迪士尼動畫再創高峰!《動物方城市》 (Zootopia) 上映後好評不斷,甚至在台灣打敗《冰雪奇緣》 (Frozen) 票房!《動物方城市》邀請到拉丁天后夏奇拉 (Shakira) 為電影獻唱主題曲 “Try Everything” ,以熱情又動感的舞曲節奏替電影增添更多歡樂的元素!看完電影後再回顧這首歌的歌詞,不但勵志又振奮人心,讓我們一起來學英文吧!

【電影音樂】動物方城市主題曲-Try Everything (Try Everything – Shakira)

“I still mess up but I’ll just start again.”

mess up 搞砸

He was stealing from the company bank account and messed up his whole career.

mess up 也可以是「弄亂」的意思。

You can read my books but please don’t mess up my bookshelf.

“I won’t give up, no I won’t give in

give in 屈服

I couldn’t solve the sudoku and had to give in and look at the answers.

《Big Hero 6》Immortals – Fall Out Boy

還記得白白圓滾滾的杯麵 (Baymax) 嗎?2014年最療癒動畫電影《大英雄天團》 (Big Hero 6)  ,故事不僅感動人心更勵志。打倒男孩樂團 (Fall Out Boy) 為這部電影獻唱的主題曲 “Immortals” ,在電影上映後跟著杯麵一起迅速爆紅。從這首歌中我們可以學到什麼英文呢?小編一次整理給你!

大英雄天團 Big Hero 6 Immortals (Fall Out Boy – Immortals [HQ Lyrics])

“’Cause we could be immortals

immortal 永垂不朽

A vampire who can’t ever die is a classic example of immortality.

“Sometimes the only pay off for having any faith”

pay off 報償

All the hard work I’ve done over the summer finally paid off.

“I’ll be the guard dog of all your fever dreams

fever dream 惡夢

A stressful work day could cause fever dreams.

“I’m bad behavior but I do it in the best way”

behavior 行為

I was shocked by Tom’s bad behavior.

“It might be your wound but they’re my sutures,”

suture 傷口縫線

My sutures were removed one week after the operation.

《Wreck it Ralph》When Can I See You Again – Owl City

2012年的《無敵破壞王》 (Wreck it Ralph) 是迪士尼動畫電影與電玩公司合作的作品,描述電玩世界的故事,也讓觀眾回味80年代的電玩。迪士尼一堆出這部電影馬上佳評如潮,因為劇情觸動人心,故事背後的寓意也發人深省。而 “When Can I See You Again” 是貓頭鷹城市 (Owl City) 替這部電影量身打造的主題曲,當時可是膾炙人口呢!現在讓我們來回顧主題曲的歌詞,邊唱邊學英文。

【電影音樂】無敵破壞王主題曲 (When Can I See You Again – Owl City)

“I’m gonna wreck it!”

wreck 破壞

The ships have been wrecked by the missiles.

“Go see the world ‘cause it’s all so brand new

brand new 全新的、嶄新的

I bought a brand new uniform for the new semester.

“It’s just a matter of time before we learn how to fly”

a matter of time (諺語) 遲早

Stop lying, it’s just a matter of time before they find out the truth.

“There’s something in the air you can’t deny

deny 否認

She can’t deny the feelings she had towards him.

“But before I go and hit the road

hit the road 上路

We have to hit the road soon. It’s getting late!

“Joined at the hip, yeah, your sidekick needs you”

sidekick 夥伴


I told my sidekick a secret because I trust him.

《Frozen》Let It Go – Demi Lovato

迪士尼動畫讓全球瘋 Elsa!《冰雪奇緣》 (Frozen) 是迪士尼動畫的巔峰,2013年底一上映馬上席捲全球創下全球票房佳績,甚至打敗《獅子王》(Lion King) 成為迪士尼動畫票房冠軍。而為《冰雪奇緣》量身打造的主題曲 “Let It Go” ,更是贏得奧斯卡最佳原創歌曲!可見這部電影賺人熱淚的原因除了劇情動人之外,歌曲的搭配更是功不可沒。這首歌的歌詞唱出擺脫束縛、做自己的自由,其中也有很多實用的英文可以學喔!

迪士尼冰雪奇緣:小孩的最愛!Let It Go from Disney’s FROZEN as performed by Idina Menzel

Let it go!”

let it go 隨它去吧

Stop making a fuss over it. Let it go.

“A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I’m the queen”

isolation 隔離

The patients were put in isolation so that others will not be exposed to the disease.

“Can’t hold it back anymore”

hold back 隱瞞、抑制

Jim was able to hold back his anger.

“To test the limits and break through

limit 極限

There was no limit to what he’d do to protect her.

break through 突破

The crowd broke through the police barriers and attacked the criminal.

《Lion King》Can you feel the love tonight – Elton John

最後,讓我們回顧迪士尼動畫十年前的大作《獅子王》 (Lion King) ,相信大家都非常懷念(小編的童年)!《獅子王》為1994年迪士尼製作的動畫電影,上映後佳評如潮,也讓電影原聲帶的音樂全部成為當時膾炙人口的歌曲。其中艾爾頓強的 “Can You Feel The Love Tonight” 更是浪漫的經典歌曲,讓我們一邊回顧它一邊學英語!

獅子王 (The Lion King 獅子王 – Can You Feel The Love Tonight 今晚你感受到愛了嗎 [ENG/CHT SUB])

“Our trio‘s down to two”

trio 三人團

The hotel was once ran by a trio of brothers.

”The sweet caress of twilight

twilight 黃昏

A pleasant walk in the woods at twilight is romantic.

“In perfect harmony with all its living things”

harmony 和諧

In Zootopia, different animal species live in harmony.


“His carefree days with us are history”

carefree 無憂無慮

He left his mobile behind and enjoyed a carefree summer day at the beach.


聽音樂學英語的優點是藉由音樂和節奏,可以讓人更容易學習英文單字並且很難忘記!但如果想聽國外音樂卻又怕聽不懂時,該怎麼辦呢?VoiceTube App 看到你的需求!我們提供音樂影片和字幕同步功能,加上收錄影片單字的功能,讓你可以輕鬆快樂學英語!

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文/ Coco Hsu
編輯/ Vicky Lee
圖/ Marc LevinCC Licensed 

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