【生活英文】Cat, Dog, Hand, Leg…這些簡單單字變化多,快速增加你的單字量!

Cat, dog, pig, bird, hand, leg, eye, foot…




1. Cat 貓咪

  • cat food 貓食
  • cat house 貓屋

一個字的 “cathouse” 是俚語中的「妓院」。所以要表達貓咪的房子的時候可以講 “a cat’s house”、”a house for a cat” 比較不會造成誤會。

  • bobcat 山貓
  • wildcat 野貓
  • snow cat 雪貓
  • calico cat 三色貓

Calicos cats have colorful coats in different patterns of black, white, and orange. The breed is usually always female, because the determination of a cat’s color relies on the X chromosome, and only females have two X chromosomes to bear the mixture of colors.

  • stray cat 流浪貓

那些你不知道的關於三色貓的秘密 (Calico cat)

2. Dog 狗

  • doghouse 狗屋

“In the doghouse” 是表達狀況不妙的俚語。通常是描寫因為做錯了事情而被打入冷宮、失去優勢了。

When Doug went home and saw the romantic dinner and present his wife prepared for their first anniversary, he realized that he was going to be in the doghouse for forgetting the important date.

  • bulldog 牛頭狗
  • watchdog 看家狗
  • underdog 弱犬;處於劣勢的一方

Malcolm Gladwell’s David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants, is a lively book by that guides the readers to reexamine situations and estimations.

  • top dog 主要人物;掌控權力的人

3. Bird 鳥

  • birdbath 鳥浴
  • birdcage 鳥籠
  • birdhouse 鳥屋
  • birdlike 似鳥的
  • bird’s-eye view 鳥瞰;鳥瞰圖

Perspective paintings often utilize the techniques of the bird’s-eye view, and the unique vision of the worm’s-eye view.

教你用「鳥瞰技術」來畫透視畫 (How to Draw Characters in Perspective: Bird-Eye View)

4. Pig 豬

  • pigsty 豬舍;髒亂的地方

A teenager’s room that is as messy as a pigsty is a nightmare for parents.

  • piggyback 扛在肩或背上
  • piggybank 撲滿
  • piglet 小豬;尤指乳豬
  • pigtail 豬尾
  • pig out 狼吞虎嚥地吃



5. Body 身體

  • bodysuit 緊身的連身衣
  • body armor 身體護具
  • antibody 抗體
  • nobody / somebody 不重要的人 / 重要的人
  • busybody 愛管閒事、好事的人

From the appearance of the word, “busybody” seems to refer to someone who is always busy, but the real meaning of “busybody” is used to describe someone who is always getting into others’ business.
從這個詞表面上來看,“busybody” 似乎意味著一個總是很忙的人,但真正意義是用來形容總是干涉別人的事的人。

  • homebody 戀家的人

Holly is an introverted girl who prefers to stay home, read books, watch movies, and hang out with her cat and dog. Even though she is a classic homebody, occasionally, she still enjoys going out with friends.

6. Eye 眼睛

  • eye shadow 眼影
  • eyeliner 眼線
  • eyelid 眼皮
  • eyeball 眼球,眼珠
  • eye-opener 令人感到驚異的事件

After the speaker shared the latest trends of international marketing, everyone at the seminar was glad that they’ve spent a day in the eye-opening experience.

  • cockeyed 鬥雞眼的;歪斜的;荒唐的;喝醉的

The children like to make funny faces at each other, but they become frightened when the babysitter warned them that their faces will stay crooked and cockeyed if they don’t stop.

7. Hand 手

  • handstand 用手倒立
  • handkerchief 手帕
  • handmade 手工製造
  • handout 施捨物;傳單
  • hand towel 手巾
  • hand-to-mouth 過一天算一天的;勉強維持的

1.3 billion people on the planet live in extreme poverty, while more than 3 billion people live in the hand-to-mouth existence of living on less than 2.5 dollars a day.

  • hand-me-down 別人用過的舊東西 現成的廉價衣服
  • shorthand 速記法;速記
  • underhanded 祕密的,不正當的

The underhanded manipulation of the mega-corporation uncovered in the latest corruption case has resulted in the immediate fall of its stock values.

8. Handle 把手;操作

  • handlebars 腳踏車的手把
  • manhandle 人工推動;粗暴地對付
  • mishandle 錯誤地處理;粗暴地對待
  • panhandle 行乞

As more and more panhandlers are seen in first-world nations and major cities, the future of the global economy does not appear to be optimistic.

9. Leg 腿

  • legging 綁腿;保暖的毛線褲
  • leggy 長腿的;腿細長的
  • legwork 外勤工作

Lou has created a successful trading company by himself. As business grows, and he cannot be in more than one place at once, he finally decides to hire an assistant to do the legwork for him.

  • bowlegged 弓形腿的
  • bootleg 靴統;長靴上部;私貨;私酒;盜版的商品

During the Prohibition, illegal liquor was called “bootleg” because black market merchants used to carry the bottles of liquor inside the bootlegs of their high boots.

10. Foot 腳

  • barefoot 赤腳
  • Bigfoot 大腳族,傳說中生存於北美洲西北部太平洋沿岸森林中的野人
  • clubfoot 彎腳;畸形足

In the famous novel Of Human Bondage by Somerset Maugham, the protagonist’s clubfoot is a clever application of a literary symbolism that represents his emotional disability.

  • footnote 腳註;補充說明
  • football 足球
  • footprint 腳印


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圖/Flaticon: arm, leg, cat, dog Free license