
“We need to discuss about the issue.”
“Please contact with him.”
“I appreciate for your help”


傑克在與客戶討論完新的產品企劃後的隔天,傳了一封 email 給他。沒想到,後來那位客戶就突然取消了合作。一封 email 怎麼就讓傑克流失了一位客戶,這中間到底出了什麼問題呢?讓我們來看看信的內容吧!

Dear Mr. Clark,

For the project we discussed about yesterday, we really appreciate for your precious suggestions. As you mentioned, it is truly a disaster that the product’s appearance lacked of beauty. We will emphasize on the coloring and texture, making it more elegant and smoother. You also mentioned about the package design. We are now considering to redesign it to make it more compact. The new prototype of the product should reach at your company before next Friday. Please feel free to contact with me if there are any further questions. It is our responsibility to make the product approach to perfection.

Sincerely yours,



是 email 的禮儀上出了問題嗎?先來看看這部非常幽默的影片,讓你輕鬆了解寫一封 email 需要注意哪些事!
(請注意,影片裡面信件的開頭是 “Hey!”,一般來說,這是對熟人才會這樣使用的用法,在職場上還是要用 Dear Mr./Mrs. ____ 比較適當喔!)

【職場的進擊】寫 E-mail 還摸不著頭緒嗎?教你小技巧,你也能快速寫好!

看起來,傑克在 email 的禮儀上沒有什麼問題,那到底是哪邊出了差錯呢?原來,是文法錯太多了,口口聲聲說要將客戶的產品做到最好,結果連寫信都寫不好,難怪會失去客戶的信任!讓我們來學學這些動詞該怎麼正確使用吧:

1. discuss 討論

discuss 是及物動詞 (transitive verb) ,後面不能加 about 或其他介係詞。

discuss = talk about
假設我說 We discussed about the problem.
就等於是 We talked about about the problem.

Experts gathered at 2015 World Climate Summit to discuss the global warming issue.
專家們在 2015 世界氣候高峰會討論了全球暖化的問題。

但你可能會覺得,為什麼 about 看起來那麼熟悉?
沒錯,當 discuss 作為名詞時,後面就要接 about 。

Experts gathered at the 2015 World Climate Summit for a discussion about the global warming issue.


John goes to his math teacher to discuss about three problems each day.

原來這邊的 about 是用來修飾後面的 three problems 表示大約三題,跟前面的 discuss 沒有關連,不要搞混了哦!

2. appreciate 感謝

appreciate 是及物動詞,後面不能加 for 或其他介係詞。

I really appreciate your support through out the hard time.


I appreciate your support.
I appreciate you for your support.


3. lack 缺乏

lack 是及物動詞,後面不能加 of 或其他介係詞。
但我怎麼覺得 lack of 這個用法很熟悉呢?那是因為當 lack 為名詞時的時候,後面就要加 of 。

He has great basketball skills, but always lacks confidence on the court.

He has great basketball skills, but the lack of confidence always makes him lose the game.

4. emphasize 強調

emphasize 後面不能加 on 或其他介係詞。但如果是作為名詞的時候就要接 on 。

I want to emphasize my sense of aesthetics by making my resume pretty.
I want to put emphasis on my sense of aesthetics by making my resume pretty.



5. mention 提及

mention 不管是什麼詞性,後面都不能加 about 或其他介係詞哦!

We have corrected the error you mentioned yesterday.

6. consider 考慮/把…視為

consider 一般來說直接加名詞就好,後面要加東西的話比較常見的有兩種用法: consider A to be B 和 consider + Ving 。

I will carefully consider the options he gave.

Everyone in the company considers Wei to be a douchebag.
公司所有人都認為 Wei 是個王八蛋。

He is considering studying abroad for graduate school.

7. reach 到達

若要表示到達的話, reach 後面直接加名詞就可以了,但要注意如果是用 arrive 的話就要加 at ,兩者不要搞混了!

The plane I’m taking tonight will reach Seattle at 5 p.m. tomorrow.
The plane I’m taking tonight will arrive at Seattle at 5 p.m. tomorrow.

8. contact 聯絡

contact是及物動詞,後面不能加 with 或其他介係詞。除非當作名詞時才要加 with 。

You can contact me anytime during office hours if you have any questions about the documents.

I lost contact with my elementary school friends a long time ago.

9. approach 接近

approach 為動詞時不能加 to ,但如果要表達「門路」或「方法」的話,就要將詞性變為名詞,這時候就要加 to。

When temperature approaches zero degree Celsius, water begins to freeze.

There are many approaches to a successful life.

學完後,來看看正確版的 email 該怎麼寫吧:

Dear Mr. Clark,

For the project we discussed yesterday, we really appreciate your precious suggestions. Like you said, it is truly a disaster that the product’s appearance lacked beauty. We will emphasize the coloring and texture, making it more elegant and smoother. You also mentioned the package design. We are now considering redesigning it to make it more compact. The new prototype of the product should reach your company before next Friday. Please feel free to contact me if there are any further questions. It is our responsibility to make the product approach perfection.

Sincerely yours,



動詞用法 (10 common verbs followed by gerunds)


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文/ Jack Lu
圖/  Pixabay, CC Licensed
來源/ 兆鴻老師, 英語島, English Language & Usage, 輔仁線上英語自學報
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