英文商業書信怎麼寫?把握這五個要點,輕鬆用 email 溝通!

中文 email 有時候已不容易寫好,
寫英文 email 對你來說更是讓人戰戰兢兢?

把握這 5 個要點,

1. Be specific and always clarify 信件的內容需要保持清晰與具體


(X) Regarding many people’s inquiries on what’s going with the parking situation, please be aware that nothing will change until next year. If you have been receiving the $60 a month with your benefit package, the deal is still on. Unfortunately, the monthly rate will be going up to $100, and the hourly rate will longer start at $3.00 for the first hour, it will be $4.25, but each addition hour will remain $2.00 a month. Really sorry, and thank you for your attention.
關於停車的情況很多人都有提問過,請注意,這部分要到明年才會改變。如果你已經每個月收到了 $60 的補貼,還是會繼續。但不幸的是,月費將上升至 $100,每小時收費將不再是第一個小時 $3.00,而將是 $4.25,但其餘每小時仍將是 $2.00。真的很抱歉,並感謝您的關注。

(O) Regarding the rise on the building’s parking rates, please be aware that adjustments will take effect on Jan 1st, 2021. The monthly rate will be raised to $100, hourly rate will be raised to $4.25 for the first hour, and $2.00 for each additional hour. For full-time employees who are qualified for reimbursement, the benefit package will continue to reimburse each person $60 a month. Thank you for your cooperation.
請注意,本大樓的停車費調漲將在 2021 年 1 月 1 日生效, 月費將上調至 $100,每小時收費將調至到第一個小時  $4.25,接下來的每小時為 $2.00。對於符合資格的全職員工的經費核銷,員工福利方案將繼續每個月貼補每人 $60。謝謝您的合作。

2. Active, not passive voice 動詞使用「現在式」

喜歡閱讀的人都會發現,文學、詩詞、論文中,動詞的語氣通常是採取過去式,造成文藝氣氛、優雅與感性的敘述。可是在商業世界的溝通中,情感與文藝的表達不是重要事項。看信的人想要知道的是這件事與我有多大的關係,只想知道自己需要知道的資訊,像是時間,地點,適當的穿著,有沒有包括在內文。可以簡單想像成看信的人的目標是要知道 What’s happening? 而寫信的你是要簡單明瞭的讓對方知道:This is happening。

(X) Your arrival will be expected at 9 am, and please be dressed in business casual style. No one will be allowed to leave before the meeting ends, but the discussion after the meeting is not mandatory. At 1 pm, lunch will be served at 4, snacks will also be free of charge.

(O) Please arrive at the conference center at 9 am. The dress code is business casual, and please do not leave before the meeting is concluded. Attendance of the post-meeting discussion is optional, and the sponsors will be serving lunch at 1 pm, and snacks at 4 pm.
請在上午 9 點達會議中心。請著商務休閒裝,請不要在會議結束前離開,您可以自由參加會後的討論。贊助商在下午 1 點會提供午餐、下午 4 點提供點心。

3. Don’t be too enthusiastic 不要太熱情


(X) My team and I are ecstatic to finally meet you. After the meeting, we would love it if you can have lunch with us. I seriously hope you will have to time to hang out, it will mean so much to us. If it’s alright with you, I am going to go ahead and reserve a table at a wonderful restaurant!
我和團隊都欣喜若狂,終於可以見到您了。會議結束後, 如果您可以與我們一起吃午餐,我們非常高興。我認真地希望你將有時間空出來,對我們意義深重。如果可以,我就在美好的餐廳預定位!

(O) My team and I are looking forward to seeing you. After the meeting, we would like to invite you to lunch. Please let me know if the arrangement suits your schedule, and I’ll make the restaurant reservation.


  • Best,
  • Best regards,
  • Thanks again and best regards,
  • Sincerely,
  • Yours truly,


  • Love,
  • Love and best wishes,
  • Thanks again and much love,
  • Thanks again! XOXO!!
  • Bye-bye and until next time,
  • Ciao,
  • See you,
  • I’ll miss you,

信件結尾之所以這麼重要,是因為它會影響到你跟通信人的關係!好的信尾 (sign off) 還有哪些原則要掌握?又到底是不是每一封 email 都應該要有個 sign off ?這部影片更詳細地講解了做書信結尾的種種注意事項:

超實用!怎麼有技巧地做英文商業書信結尾? (Business English Lesson – Best ways to sign off an Email.)

4. Use “that” and “which” correctly 正確使用「限定用法」的 that 與「非限用法」的 which

在文法的領域中,「限定子句」(關係代名詞前無逗點) 中的子句與「非限定子句」(關係代名詞前有逗點) 的不同,就是前者是提供了「有必要性的語句資訊」,而後者則是可有可無。也就是說,如果「限定字句」中的 that 被刪除了,整個句子的意義就變得詞不達意了。而「非限定子句」中的 which 如果消失,會改變句子的韻律,造成語氣不順的感覺,可是整個句子所表達的主要訊息並不會受到影響。

注意以下的例句,如果 that 在前面 3 個句子中消失,就會造成錯誤的語法。如果最後 2 個句子中的 which 子句省略,表達的想法不會改變,可是訊息會變得不夠完整。

The setback that caused technical difficulties has been resolved.

The ads that received negative feedbacks in the survey will not be printed in the next month’s publications.

The previous quote that was rejected by the customer cannot be lowered.

I would like to briefly talk about the southeastern region, which is our new territory.

The promotion should focus on the handbags made of organic materials, which offers a high margin and complements our brand image.

5. Use affect and effect correctly 正確的運用 affect 與 effect

affect 是影響(動詞) effect 是效果(名詞),是幾乎每個人都會分辨不清的兩個字。運用這個小小技巧可以幫助你:a 開頭的是 action word,自然就是動詞。

The loss from the previous quarter is affecting our investors’ decisions.

The recent events of social unrest are creating a detrimental effect on consumers’ confidence.

The budget cut will not affect the employees’ benefit packages.

The effect of the budget cut is insignificant to most employees.

看看影片讓你對於 affect 與 effect 印象更加深刻:

affect 影響(動詞)vs, effect 效果(名詞) (Affect vs Effect learning with English subtitles -english grammar rules)


affect 與 effect 的難分辨是許多人難都逃離的文法陷阱。因為出錯的例子太多了,許多人對於運用 affect 還是 effect 的自信心降低。可是在英文中,常常可以很自由地運用不同的字表達相同意思,所以如果真的覺得這兩字很難靠直覺選出正確用法,在緊要關頭之際,就用別的字吧!affect 的同義字有 alter、change、influence,而 effect 的同義字有 aftermath、consequence、outcome,而 change 與 influence 一樣動名詞同形,如果用來表達不同的狀況時,就不用擔心有沒有搞錯。

affect 的同義字

用 influence 代替 affect

The loss from the previous quarter is influencing our investors’ decisions.

用 change 代替 affect

The budget cut will not change the employees’ benefit packages.

effect 的同義字

用 influence 代替 effect

The recent events of social unrest are creating a detrimental influence on the consumers’ confidence.

用 aftermath 代替 effect

The aftermath of the budget cut is insignificant to most employees.


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