“No ifs, ands, and buts.” 是什麼意思?”if” 相關英文俚語大公開!

“If” 的俚語中,每個單字都超簡單
用 3 分鐘把 5 句俚語學起來

1. If I only knew:如果我早知道

“If I only knew” 是用來表達後悔,因為當初沒有想到或沒有察覺某件事情,之後才會發生讓自己不開心的情況。無論如何,如果是身邊的人有什麼後悔的事,千萬不要幸災樂禍的加一句 “I told you so!”。

Ian is never on time. As he gets older, he often wonders why many things in his life didn’t work out. Only if he knew that his inability to be punctual is the reason that he doesn’t have a good job, he would have changed his habit.

2. If and only if:唯有…

“If and only if” 在數學、哲學、邏輯學中代表如何建立「充分且必要的條件 (necessary and sufficient condition)」。可是在談話中不要煩惱那麼多,只要把 “If and only if” 看成加強語氣的工具就好:如果你只要「X」,”if X and only X” 就表達了你非常明確的需求! 如果別人還問你要不要其他東西,就可以聲明: “I didn’t say X and everything else!”。

Isaiah is a professional interior designer who has involved in big projects. Nevertheless, one of his idiosyncrasies is that he would only accept a new case, if and only if the clients agree to use the colors he has chosen.

*Idiosyncrasy 是什麼?不用查字典了,複習一下以前的文章就好了!

3. If push comes to shove:事態嚴重;來到關鍵時刻

“If push comes to shove” 的直接翻譯很怪,因為 “push” 是推 “shove” 是推撞,聽起來有一點又推又拉、要打起來了的感覺。可是如果發揮想像力,就可以在腦中浮現「一個人在內心受到各種力量衝擊」,由此表現事態多嚴重!

Irvine has been looking for an ideal job. However, he’s about to spend away all his savings, and his parents have been pushing him very hard. He’s decided that, if push comes to shove, he will have to settle for an average job.

4. No ifs, ands, and buts:沒有任何藉口;沒有任何話好說

“No ifs, ands, and buts” 的解釋很簡單,就是不要再講任何的「如果」、「還有」、「然後」、「可是」。會講這種話的人通常都是主管或者長官。如果是對於平輩的人談話,最好不要用這種命令的口氣講話。

Ivonne’s husband has been staring at his computer all weekend. She is concerned about his health, so she demands him to take a walk with her. When he tries to refuse, she says to him that, “I don’t want to hear any ifs, ands, and buts about it!

5. Damned if I do, damned if I don’t:做也不是,不做也不是

“Damned” 的翻譯有許多不同的層次:「打入地獄的」、「被詛咒的」、「可惡的」、「該死」。通常在談話中沒有很嚴厲的用意,像是說 “The damned rain ruined another weekend.(該死的雨又毀了一個周末!)”。 而 “Damned if I do, damned if I don’t” 是用來形容「裡外不是人」或「進退兩難」。

Isabelle has inadvertently found out that her friend, Irene’s company is about to declare bankruptcy. Meanwhile, Irene is planning a lavish vacation. Isabelle doesn’t want to tell Irene the bad news, but she doesn’t want to see her squander all her money. She knows that she’s damned if she does and damned if she doesn’t.

最後再看一段詳細解釋 if 怎麼用的影片,讓你牢牢記住這個字的用法吧:

如何運用 “if” (English Conditionals – How To Use If Clauses)


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