



1. off-the-cuff 即席的;未經準備的;隨口而出的
2. off the top of one’s head (言語)未經準備的;隨口而出的
3. straightforward 直接的
4. blunt 直率的
5. to the point 恰當;中肯;切入要點
6. cut to the quick 打中要害;一針見血
7. hit the nail on the head 說(做)得中肯;一針見血

1.  Ko Wen-Je is well-known for his off-the-cuff remarks. (柯文哲以他的快人快語出名)
2. Ko Wen-Je is well-known for making remarks off the top of his head. (柯文哲以他的快人快語出名)
3. The mayor is a straightforward man.  (市長是位直率的人)
4. People are blunt with one another because they believe honesty is the best policy. (人們彼此坦率因為他們相信誠實為上策)
5. His speech was quite to the point. (他的演說十分切入重點)
6. His remarks cut me to the quick.  (他的話刺中我的要害)
7. He hit the nail on the head when he pointed out the problem. (他指出問題所在,說得真是太對了)

【TED】僱用駭客吧!Misha Glenny:Hire the hackers!



Ko Wen-Je was handed a pocket timepiece by British Transport Minister. (英國交通部長給柯文哲一個懷錶)
He said he would sell the timepiece to a scrap dealer.  (他說他會把懷錶賣給破銅爛鐵回收商)
timepiece 鐘錶
pocket timepiece/pocket watch 懷錶
scrap dealer 破銅爛鐵回收商

1. make an indiscreet remark 失言
2. slip of the tongue 口誤;無意間的話
3. put one’s foot in one’s mouth 講錯話、做錯事 (會讓自己很不好意思的那種)
4. drop a clanger (英式用法)無意間說錯話(會傷人或讓自己很糗的那種)
5. gaffe 失態、失禮 (在社交、外交上)
6. faux pas 失態、失禮 (在社交、外交上)

超實用!6個讓你說英文不緊張的方法 (6 tips for dealing with speaking anxiety)

1. Mr. Ko made an indiscreet remark again.  (柯先生又失言了)
2. I didn’t mean to tell you that. It was a slip of the tongue. (我不是有意要跟你說那件事,那是無意間說出的話)
3. I didn’t know that my boyfriend spent a whole day preparing for my birthday party yesterday so I blamed him for not accompanying me. I guess I’ve put my foot in my mouth. (我不知道我男友昨天花一整天準備我的生日趴踢,我還責怪他都不陪我,我想我真是做錯事了)
4. I dropped a clanger by asking David how his dog was, oblivious to the fact that it died several months ago.

gaffe和faux pas起源於法文
5. 英國衛報新聞標題:British Minister in Cultural Gaffe after Giving Taipei Mayor ‘Taboo’ Watch
6. I made a faux pas. 我失禮了
補充:由於法文字的字尾若是子音就不發音,所以在念faux pas的時候x跟s都不能發音唷



1. Ko’s remarks caused an uproar. 柯P的話引起了軒然大波
2. Ko’s remarks drew a strong response from members of the DPP. 柯P的話引發民進黨員的強烈回應
3. Ko’s remarks drew a barrel of criticism from both parties. 柯P的話引起兩黨的許多批評


之後再一起跟著VT從時事學英文囉 ^_^ 



【職場的進擊】有魅力的溝通者──六個祕訣 (How To Have Better Communication Skills)


作者:Wendy Chiang
resource: Taipei Times, The Guardian, TheFreeDictionary
photo resource: 柯P, embarrassment