到底是on the bus 還是 in the bus?一次搞懂交通工具介係詞!

到底是on the car 還是in the car?
到底是on a bus 還是in a bus?

什麼時候會使用 ”on”?

舉例:on a ship (在船上), on a bus (在公車上), on a plane (在飛機上), on a train (在火車上), on a ferry (在渡輪上), on a subway (在地鐵上)

舉例:on a bicycle (在腳踏車上), on a surfboard (在衝浪板上), on a motorcycle (在機車上), on a skateboard (在滑板上), on skis (在滑雪板上), on ice skates (穿著溜冰鞋), on a snowboard (在滑雪板上)

來看看老師怎麼用 on the bus 吧!

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什麼時候會使用 “In”?

一個很好用的判斷方式:如果你需要將自己縮進交通工具中,通常使用 in
舉例:in a rowboat (在小船中), in a taxi (在計程車裡), in a car (在車子中), in a truck (在卡車中), in a helicopter (在直昇機中)

他說.她說(短喜劇片)He Said. She Said. (short film comedy)

什麼時候會使用 “by”?

當你提到旅行所使用的交通工具總稱時,就使用 by
舉例:We can travel by bike, by motorcycle, by car, by van, by lorry, by truck, by train, by plane, by bus, by ship, by tram, or by boat.

來看看 “by 交通工具” 在日常生活中怎麼使用吧!

EF 國際語言學校 英國牛津 (EF Oxford, England – UK)


1.by bus ( 撘公車 ) = on a bus = take a bus
2.by car ( 開車 / 搭車) = in a car = drive / take a car
3.by taxi ( 搭計程車) = in a taxi = take a taxi
4. by plane ( 搭飛機 ) = on a plane = take a plane
5. by train ( 火車) = on a train = take a train
6. by bicycle ( 騎腳踏車) = on a bicycle = ride a bike
7. by motorcycle ( 騎機車) = on a motorcycle = ride a motorcycle
8. by horse ( 騎馬 ) = on a horse = ride a horse


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文/ Sylvia Chu
圖/ LibreStock , CC Licensed
來源/ italki.com  , 四技二專英文
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語