
還在說What means _____, teacher?
最常出現的問句結構:W5H1(Who, Where, When, Why, Which, How) + V + S ?


1. Who 詢問人物時 (WHO is only used when referring to people.)
舉例:Who governs this country? (誰統治這個國家?)

2. Where 詢問地點時 (WHERE is used when referring to a place or location.)
舉例:Where do you intend to go this summer? (今年夏天你準備到哪兒去?)

3. When 詢問時間時 (WHEN is used to refer to a time or an occasion.)
舉例:When did you get married? (你是什麼時候結婚的?)

4. Why 詢問原因時 (WHY is used to obtain an explanation or a reason.)
舉例:Why do you keep silent? (你為什麼不吭聲?)

5. What 詢問特定的資訊時 (WHAT is used to refer to specific information.)
舉例:What crimes are the defendants being charged with? (被告被控何罪?)

6. Which 提供多種可能性讓他人做選擇時 (WHICH is used when a choice needs to be made.)
Mary: My aunt gave me some money for my birthday. I’m going to take it with me to the mall.
John: What are you going to buy with it?
Mary: I haven’t decided yet.

7. How: 多用在詢問”方法” (HOW is used to describe the manner that something is done.)
a.  How much 多用於詢問數量或價格,後接不可數名詞(uncountable nouns)
b.  How many 多用於詢問數量,後接可數名詞 refers to a quantity (countable nouns)
※也可以用來詢問時間的長短:How many + minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years
c.  How often 詢問頻率
d.  How far 詢問距離
e.  How long 詢問時間的長短



例句:You know Bob Wilson, don’t you? 這裡的主要句子為肯定句(你知道Bob Wilson吧!),因此附加問句就是否定(不是嗎?
例句:Jerry can’t speak Chinese, can she? 這裡的主要句子為否定句(Jerry不會說中文),附加問句就變成肯定(是嗎?)


May I / Could I:用於禮貌的問句,是為了請求對方的允許或同意。

例句:May I speak with your daughter? (我可以同你的女兒談話嗎?)
例句:In fact, could I ask you for the recipe? (事實上,我能向你要這道菜的食譜嗎?)

Would you, Could you, Will you, Can you 用在禮貌的請求─請求對方合作或幫忙。
※ Can的問句比較不正式!
不可以用May + you,這可是很不禮貌的!

例句:Would you like to go for a walk with us? (你願意跟我們去散散步嗎?)
例句:Could you drop off the books at the library? (你能把這些書順便還給圖書館嗎?)
例句:Will you dance with me? (你願意和我跳舞嗎?)


1. How’s it going? / How are you doing? / How are you getting alone? 最近還好嗎?
2. Where are you heading / going? 常用在打完招呼後
3. What do you do? / What do you do for a living? 你是做什麼的?
※     注意:一般不會說成”What’s your job?”
4. What company do you work for? 你在哪一家公司上班?
5. What’s your line of business? 你在哪一個行業?
6. What are you studying? 你主修什麽的?
7. What school did you go to? 你是在哪一個學校畢業的?
8. Could you do me a favor? / Could you give me a hand? 能不能幫我一個忙?
9. What brought you to Taiwan? 你為什麼來台灣呢?
10 What do you like most in Taiwan? 你最喜歡台灣的什麼?

進階篇>>【英文文法】問問題也要有技巧 (Grammar: How to ask questions correctly in English – Embedded Questions)


作者:Sylvia Chu

Source: Woodward  , 怎麼用英文「問」問題? 社交英語丨11問~用英文打開話匣子
Photo Source: aaron_squires ,CC Licensed



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