




誇飾法 (hyperbole) 在英文中是常常出現的文學工具,也是協助人與人之間表達的小幫手。俏皮又誇大的語態可以馬上讓句子變得活潑有趣!可是,雖然這些句子本身沒有好壞,運用的時候卻很重要,在某些需要專業、效率的場合,最好不要用誇張的講法。

參考以下的 5 組例句,學會如何使用恰當的誇張用語,讓英文更貼近你的感覺,也記得避免用錯了時機!

【英文寫作小教室】修辭:誇飾法 (Hyperbole)

1. 形容重量的時候


形容很重:the scale will tip over 體重計都要翻掉了

A: Why are you staring in the mirror?
A: 你為什麼盯著鏡子?
B: I ate so much over the Thanksgiving weekend. My face looks rounder now. I think the scale will tip over if I step on it.
B: 我在感恩節週末大吃特吃,我的臉看起來都變圓了。我想我如果踩在體重計上會翻過去。

形容很重:like a ton 約一噸重


A: May I help you find anything?
A: 可以幫忙找東西嗎?
B: Yes, I am moving, and I am looking for a pet carrier for a large Maine Coon.
B: 是的!我要搬家了,需要找一個適當的寵物籠來搬一隻過重的緬因貓。
A: How much does it weigh?
A: 它有多重?
B: I don’t know, like a ton.
B: 不知道,一噸左右。
A: …..
B: Just kidding. About 6 kg.
B: 我開玩笑的,大概六公斤吧!

形容很輕、很瘦:a bag of bones 骨瘦如柴

A: I am really worried about my daughter.
A: 我很擔心我女兒。
B: Why?
B: 為什麼?
A: She is a professional dancer, and she practices nonstop every day. She’s always concerned about her weight. If she doesn’t rest, she will be a bag of bones. 
A: 她是一位專業的舞者。她每天不斷地練習,也總是擔心體重。 如果她不好好休息,會變得骨瘦如柴。

2. 對於時間的感覺


形容時間很長:take forever 跟永遠一樣長
形容時間很短:in no time 沒花半點時間

A: Good morning!
A: 早!
B: Good morning! How are you today?
B: 早!你好嗎?
A: Exceptionally well! I got up super early, went to the grocery store, the florist, the bakery, the coffee shop, and I was the first in line at the post office. All those errands would normally take forever, but I got everything done in no time!
A: 超級好!我一大早就起來了,去了超市、花店、麵包店、咖啡店,而且還第一個到郵局排隊,通常要搞一輩子的差事根本沒花半點時間就做好了!

形容時間很長:in about one hundred years 花一百年

A: I would like a table for two.
A: 我需要兩個人的位子。
B: Do you have a reservation?
B: 您有訂位嗎?
A: No…
A: 沒有…
B: I am sorry, we are extremely busy tonight. Please leave your cell phone number, we will call you when there is a table.
B: 不好意思,我們今晚非常忙。麻煩您留個手機,有位子我們會再打給您。
A: Are all these people also waiting to be seated?
A: 這些人都在等著入座嗎?
B: Yes…
B: 是的…
A: I can’t believe I forgot to make a reservation. Guess you will call me in about one hundred years.
A: 我不敢相信我竟然忘記訂位了,要等到有座位可能要等一百年吧!

形容時間很短:in a blink 眨眼間


A: Customer service, how may I help you?
A: 這裡是客服,有什麼可以協助您的嗎?
B: Yes! I am calling to check the status on a package. It was supposed to arrive yesterday.
B: 是的!我要查一個包裹,昨天就該到了。
A: There was a delay, but it should arrive today or tomorrow.
A: 它本來有被耽誤到,不過今天或明天就會到了。
B: Can you be more specific?
B: 你可以給我更確切的時間嗎?
A: Well, it has left the factory. Once it goes through customs, it should reach you in a blink.
A: 嗯,包裹出工廠以後,只要過了海關,應該超快就會到囉!

而這邊 “in a blink” 之所以用得不好,同樣是因為沒有回答對方想要的精準資訊,聽到的話可能會讓人有點火大!

3. 對於責任的態度


形容責任很重:the weight of the world 跟世界一樣重

A: How have you been?
A: 最近還好嗎?
B: Busy… I started a PhD program, and I am still working full-time.
B: 在忙… 我在讀博士學位,也還有全職的工作。
A: That’s heavy, how are you holding up?
A: 好沉重啊,你這樣忙得過來嗎?
B: Like the weight of the world is on my shoulders. But I am optimistic. Everything is going well so far.
B: 好像世界的重量在我的肩膀上,可是我很樂觀,所以一切都算進行得滿順利。

形容責任很重:backbreaking work 做到背都壞了

A: So you are applying for the senior management position?
A: 你是申請資深管理階層的工作?
B: Yes!
B: 是的!
A: We have many applicants applying for that job. Would you also be interested in applying for any other positions?
A: 我們有許多人在申請那個工作。你會不會想申請其它的職位?
B: You mean an entry level job? No! I will never do the backbreaking work of an ordinary clerk.
B: 你是說基層的工作? 不會! 我才不會做那種普通文員做到死的繁重工作。

形容責任很輕:won’t have to lift a finger 連舉個指頭都不用

A: How is the group project going?
A: 那個團隊專案如何了?
B: It’s boring. I hope the others will do most of the research and writing, and we will get a good grade.
B: 滿無聊得。我希望其他人能負責做研究和寫作,然後我們就拿到好的成績。
A: Sounds like you won’t have to lift a finger.
A: 聽起來你一點事都不想做呢!

4. 情緒化的反應


形容超級開心:my heart is going to explode 心臟開心得要爆炸了

A: What’s the good news?
A: 好消息是什麼?
B: I got the scholarship! It will pay for my tuition, room and board, books and incidentals for the next four years!
B: 我拿到獎學金了!它會支付我四年的學費、住宿費,還有學雜費!
A: Oh mine! How do you feel?
A: 天啊!感覺如何?
B: Like my heart is going to explode!
B: 好像我的心臟要爆炸了!

形容非常生氣:sb. is going to kill me 某人會把我宰了


A: What are you looking for?
A: 你在找什麼?
B: My jacket. I lost one last week, and my mom had to get me a new one. I lose things all the time.
B: 我的外套。上星期掉了一件,我媽就得給我買件新的了。我常常掉東西。
A: You are forgetful… Are you going to get home okay?
A: 你真是健忘… 那你回家沒問題嗎?
B: Yes, but I need my house keys. They are in my jacket.
B: 可以,可是我的家門鑰匙也丟了,我放在外套的口袋裡面。
A: Oh, no!
A: 喔,慘了!
B: My mom is going to kill me
B: 我媽會把我宰了…

5. 給予評論


形容什麼都願意做:stop the world 讓世界停止轉動
形容幸福的人:the happiest man on Earth/ in the world 全世界最快樂的人

A: What you will say for your speech at the party?
A: 宴會的時候的致詞您想說什麼?
B: I don’t know. Maybe I won’t make a speech.
B: 不知道。也許不用了。
A: You and your wife are celebrating your golden anniversary. You got to say something!
A: 您與您的太太是在慶祝金婚紀念日呢,一定要講些話吧!
B: I just want everyone to know that I would stop the world for my wife, and she made me the happiest man on Earth.
B: 我只是想說我會為了我太太做任何事情,而她讓我成為世界上最快樂的男人。

形容溝通不順:hitting a brick wall 像是鬼打牆;像是無法突破的磚牆

A: I understand that you want to talk about you son today.
A: 我瞭解今天你們想要談談關於你們兒子的事。
B: Yes. He seems very anxious, and we are afraid he is depressed.
B: 是的,他非常的焦慮,我們害怕他有點憂鬱傾向。
A: Have you tried talking to him?
A: 你們有沒有試著與他聊一聊?
B: Many times, and it’s always like hitting a brick wall.
B: 許多次,但總是沒辦法溝通。


形容東西很好:the best in the universe 全宇宙最強
形容想法很蠢:the silliest ideas 最蠢不過的想法了

A: The other companies are offering similar products at lower prices.
A: 別的公司也有類似的產品,價錢還比較低。
B: Nonsense. Our products are the best in the universe, and your concerns are the silliest ideas I have ever heard.
B: 沒有啦,我們的產品是全宇宙中最好的,您的顧慮是我聽過最傻的想法。

most heartless idea 最沒心沒肺的想法
most dangerous threat 最危險的威脅

A: Regarding the other candidate’s plan to relocate the senior centre, and change this area to commercial zone. What are your thoughts?
A: 關於另外一名候選人想遷移老人中心,並將該區域改成商業區,您有什麼想法?
B: It’s the most heartless idea that I have ever heard, and the person who would think of such agenda is the most dangerous threat to our society.
B: 該計劃是我聽過最最無情的想法,而會提出這種想法的人是我們社會中最危險的威脅。

學了如何使用 hyperboles 了,也要順便看一下,除了 “very” 和 “so” 以外,還有哪些詞,可以用來修飾形容詞,表示「超……」、「有夠…….」呢?從 2:44 開始看吧:



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