cheap friend = 便宜的朋友? cheap比你想像中擁有更多意思!

“cheap friend”是什麼意思呢?
物美價廉好東西 = 廉價品??
經濟又實惠的東西別再只用 →cheap← 啦!




1. cheap:

  •  便宜的,不貴的 – costing little money or less than is usual or expected

浪漫不一定很貴! (Cheap Valentine”s Day Tips)

  •  收費低廉的(商店或餐館)  If a shop or restaurant is cheap, it charges low prices
  •  價廉物美 – cheap but good or enjoyable
  • 便宜地,廉價地(購買商品)-  If you get goods on the cheap, you get them for a low price, often from someone you know who works in the company or business that produces them.

<延伸> 你知道”cheap”還有別的意思嗎?


Don’t you know that he’s a cheap person? He only offers his guests tap water instead of mineral water, tea or coffee.

“cheap”除了便宜的意思,還有什麼意思呢?  (Your Cheap Friend)

2. bargain: (n.) 便宜貨,廉價品;協議;買賣,交易

  • something on sale at a lower price than its true value 


  • 討價還價:bargain(v.) +with/over/about
  • 尋找便宜物品的行為: bargain-hunting
  • 有的時候 “bargain” 也會用在用低價錢買到不錯的東西,或者很划算的時候,例如:It’s a bargain!
  • 若你用稍微低的價錢買到品質不錯的東西時,建議也可以多多使用下列的單字或片語噢!

3. inexpensive: 花費不多的,價錢不貴的

  •  not costing a lot of money

(Making an Inexpensive Arrangement| Wedding Flowers)

4. economical: 經濟實惠的;省錢的;節約的

  •  not using a lot of fuel, money


1. 經濟實惠:good deal

It’s such a good deal to buy the mobile phone with 40% discount!

2. 物超所值:well worth it’s value; beyond its price or value; value beyond price

 The new car model really functions beyond its price. I really want to have one!

 3. 買越多,省越多:The more you buy, the more you save.

 Lucky you! We are now on sale! The more you buy, the more you save.


文/Jenny Hsu
來源/Cambridge Dictionaries Online

作者簡介  VoiceTube 看影片學英語