不知道如何稱讚別人或事物? 25個比beautiful還要棒的形容詞


“A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.”
― Coco Chanel

1. Brilliant                 
EX: He is so brilliant. 他非常有才華。

2. Hilarious               
EX: You are hilarious. 你是個很有趣的人。

3. Enigmatic             
EX: I love the way you carry yourself, so enigmatic and so confident. 我愛你平時表現出的樣子,非常神秘又有自信。

4. Breathtaking        
EX: The view is absolutely breathtaking. 這裡風景真的是美呆了。

5. Heart-stopping    
EX: A Heart-Stopping Moment. 一個驚心動魄的時刻。

6. Fascinating          
EX: This idea is fascinating.  這主意真是好極了。

7. Riveting               
EX: Her look is so riveting; it was like I can’t stop looking at her. 她的美貌十分吸引人,好像我沒辦法移開我的視線。

8. Fiery                     
EX: What a fiery speech! 真是個熱血的演講啊!

9. Gorgeous             
EX: You look gorgeous tonight. 你今晚看起來美極了。

10. Stunning            
EX: That dress is stunning, I must buy it. 那件洋裝真是超漂亮的,我一定得買下來。

11. Dazzling             
EX: A dazzling display of football skills. 特別吸引人的足球技巧表演。

12. Exhilarating       
EX: We just got some exhilarating news. 我們剛得到一些令人振奮的消息。

13. Magnificent      
EX: We visited a magnificent palace in the city. 我們參觀了一座城裡的宏偉宮殿。

14. Spectacular       
EX: It really is as spectacular as he described. 這果然像他形容的一樣壯觀。

15. Charming          
EX: Hannah showed a charming smile when Kris sat across from her.  當Kris在Hannah對面坐下時,她露出了迷人的笑容。

16. Ravishing           
EX: You look ravishing in that dress. 你穿著那件洋裝看起來真美。

17. Appealing          
EX: She is outgoing and confident, that’s why she’s so appealing. 她很外向又有自信,所以她才這麼有魅力。

18. Classy         
EX: Lindsey is quite classy and lovely. Lindsey很漂亮又可愛。

19. Elegant     
EX: The bride looked very elegant as she glided into the hall. 當新娘緩緩走進禮堂時看起來十分優雅

20. Groovy       
EX: The party was really groovy. 派對真是超酷的。

21. Astonishing        
EX: The event was astonishing, everyone was impressed. 那場活動非常驚人,所有人都印象深刻。

22. Fabulous             
EX: I feel absolutely fabulous. 我感覺好極了。

23. Remarkable    
EX: He is a remarkable linguist. 他是一位傑出的語言學家。

24. Glorious           
EX: We saw a glorious sunset. 我們看到一次壯觀的落日景色。

25. Tremendous  
EX: We had a tremendous time on the beach. 我們在海灘上玩得很痛快。

Source: thesaurus.com


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